Monday 2 September 2013

- insert random title -

It's been longg since i'd left my blog. Yelahh i'm busy with those assignments, test, revisions and macam macam lagi. Being university student is tiring though but it was fun. Sokayy, tak nak la cerita pasal "perks of life as student university" lagi. Actually, i've no idea for the title. Sorry yeah. Aku tak tau pun nak merepek pasal apa kat blog ni. I'll probably type whatever ideas crossed in my mind.

As culinarians, kitorang belajar masak macam macam, sampai aku tak ingat berapa resipi yg kitorang dah masak. Whatever right. I've few pictures of our cuisines.. my favourie was the potatoes and spaghetti. We made lasagna too! Tapi takde gambar la sebab tak sempat nak ambik gambar lasagna but who cares, I LOVE OUR LASAGNA! It taste really really good! So, here you go... you may lick your screen.

Aku selalu je buat macam ni kat instagram, upload gambar makanan sedap yg kitorang buat.. then showing off on instagram and then siapa yg tengok gambar tu nasib lah kalau terliur ke terlapar ke terjilat screen ke dan sebagainya, hiks. Seronok je jadi student culinary ni. :)

However, memang la seronok jadi culinarians tapi ada jugak yang tak best. For example.. kitorang belajar bahasa asing which is French. It's not easy as what's on my mind on the first day. lol. Mula study dulu memang lah nampak senang, tapi bila makin banyak.. seriously it is complicated and it gets hard when we have to memorize few things. SIGH. For french assignment/project, we are required to record a video and... we have to speak french. Gladly it was a group project, blessed! Kitorang pun tak record lagi video tu.. and I just still thinking of how retarded we look like when we speak that language. O M G .

So, that's all. WISH ME LUCK FOR THE VIDEO PROJECT. crying T.T

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