Saturday 5 July 2014

Le Family's

So, someone requested me to write - tells story about the whole family members. My family from my another father mother. For their sake, aku pun setuju nak menaip entry ni even aku malas tahap bola dragon ball yg ke-7. However, I don't want to make a really long-long-long entry bcs it seems like an essay and I hate essays. Besides, usually a long entry are boring to be read. So, I'm trying to make this entry short and simple yet meaningful and probably will make them feel interesting to read it. Actually, I don't think it will be so interesting like WOW. Sorry.

Front row from left: Chad Ajim Nuar Lotfi Iqmal Akid
Girls from left: Balqis Khal Qie Nawal Deyra Myself Biela Fit Irma
but this is us just without Hilmi and Fikri
This family members are me myself, biela, ajim, lotfi, balqis, chad, fikri, hilmi, syaf, anuar, qie, akid, iqmal, deyra, khal, nawal, irma and fitriani. Actually aku taktahu nak start mcm mana and nak start dengan sape dulu. I'll try to describe honestly whatever my first thought about you guys. So, I'll just go pick anyone names randomly depends on whom I got more ideas to write bout. First of all, mind my trashy language and this entry gonna be long even I've try to make it short. It's impossible to write shortly about 17 people.

Left front : Biela
I think I'm going to start with my le roomate, Biela. I wanna start with her first because dia roomate aku, and budak sebelah katil aku since semester 1. Dah 2 sem setiap pagi aku bangun nampak dia dulu. So sweet right.. tapi bosan jugak. hahaha. Actually masa sem 1 satu dulu, both of us not so so so rapat like right now. Just when enter second semester, baru biela ni nak rapat ngan kitorang.. alaler. hahaha. Welll you know masa sem 1 everyone is just so awkward and trying to get along with each other. Kalau nk describe biela ni memang banyak. I just can't list down everything. Both of us ada good chemistry together but still banyak gak yg vice versa... hahaha. Contoh good chemistry? Selagi aku tak bangun tido selagi tu bela tak bangun.. she'll wait until aku bangun dulu then baru dia bangun. hahaha. Vice versa? Dia suka jalan.. kalau boleh hari-hari nak keluar. Meanwhile me? Aku bukan tak suka jenjalan, but I'm such a lazy sloth. Kalau nk keluar leceh kene bersiap.. aku ni dh le pemalas. Aku kekadang lagi prefer dduk kat bilik even bosan nokharom instead of penat nak keluar jalan.. malas sebennaunye. hahahaa. Actually, Biela ni sangatlah friendly. Dia cepat je rapat with org yg dia just kenal compared to me yg doplohpat jam thinks it's awkward to be so friendly with strangers. She loves to eat a lott. She always nag "aku nak kurus, tapi esok je la." and her "esok je la" is more like not going to happen forever or maybe 10 tahun akn dtg? Being with her in 2 semester buat aku dah faham sangat perangai dia. Buruk baik tak senonoh perangai semua dalam poket wa.. hahahaha. Something you should know bout her, dia ni careless. So so careless. Bila time dia careless dia tak suka kena bebel. No, it's like dia mmg tak suka dgr org mmbebel. Aku ni takde la suka membebel, I usually perli perli je.. but bila time dia cuai tu haa amek kau kene bebel. That's all. Not so "that's all"... actually I've so many things to say but I've to write about others tooo.

Ajim & Balqis
Balqis. Her real name is Balqish but she hated the last H. lol. Kenal balqis bcs qis ni housemate aku since sem 1 until sem 2. So takyah nak cerita sangat la mcm mana kenal.. hahahaa. Let me terus describe about her. Staying with her for 2 semester makes me know her well. First of all, dia ni sensitif gile. She can cried just because a little things. Sometimes aku rase memang hobi dia kot menangis.. hahaha. Besides that, the way she talks are really slow. Kitorang pun kekadang suruh dia cakap kuat sikit and she end up yelled at us. Aqis ni selain slow bercakap dia pun slow nak faham ape org tgh cakap. I mean kalau org yg tak cakap straight to the point then she'll take time to digest what are you talking bout. Paling aku kesian bila kitorang tgh gelak about something funny and she just "aku tak faham". She'll laugh after getting explaination. dang! Org dah habis gelak aqis baru nak start gelak. hahaha. Sebab dia selalu loading ceni la dia selalu kena buli Ajim & Lot and aku jugak kekadang...hahahaha. Tapi even dia slow camni.. she's smart. Way smarter than me. Her mind is pretty clean. She barely understand about perverted thingy. However we ruined her a bit. I bet skrg dia dah tau la jugak benda-benda pervert.. blame us. hahahaa Aku ade banyak bende kelakar nak cerita pasal balqis but it's just tak sesuai nak cerita kat sini. You guys probably gonna laugh if I wrote the story and I wont let that happen.

Wore glasses : Hilmi
Blue checkered : Fikri
Fik? best male friend. since awal lagi I knew that he's friendly type. Dari sem 1 lagi mulut dia tak berhenti bercakap mcm pompuan serious! ahahaha masa awal sem 1 semua org just so silent sbb tak kenal each other meanwhile fik dia punya lah friendly tahap gaban. That is why dia banyak kenal org kat uitmpp. Kelas aku tak ramai budak laki and I used to dislike all dudes in my class except him. Sbb dia je yg seems friendly and tegur semua orang. Taktahu la macam mana boleh rapat and lepak selalu but its just happen like that you knoww. Fik? I teased him a lot. Dulu aku selalu kata dia pendek. He's not that really short, he's just about the same height with me.. (i'm 160cm tall just incase you are wondering) but that's quite short compared to other tall tanned guys? hehehe. Basically aku paling rapat dengan fik because... I don't know. He's easy to get along with and I trusted him. We shared our problems together. I usually don't do that bcs I've trust issue to everyone but I can count on him. Fik is a good guy.. really good. He helped everyone a lot. Anyone that need help gonna find him at first. He actually get stressed and membebell when everyone is seeking him for help but still he tried to helped them out. How kind isn't him? hahahaha. He's has the courage that most guy doesn't. In my class you can't find budak laki yang sabar je tolong orang lain like he did. He may not tolong orang most of the time but atleast he did it quite lot. Fact bout fik? Dia melatah. haaa. Ni yang mcm makcik2 sikit perangai dia. Kau buat dia terkejut sikit je dia melatah teruk macam mak nenek. hahahaha Besides that, fik ni memang baik tapi bila time mood dia berubah ke utara selatan timur atau barat haa amek kau.. bila dia moody he's not the usual fik.. he'll be annoying, or he'll just ignore you when you talked to him. hahaha Last but not least, Fik want to lose weight so bad but he never wants to stop eating because oh come on who on earth can stop the food addiction. hahahaha Thats all I can say.

Aku tak ingat bila masa aku kenal Hilmi. All I know is aku kenal hilmi sebab he's biela classmate. I can't remember when did I first met him.. just assume that our friendship just happened like that bcs i really can't recall back. hewhew. I didn't have lots of thing to say about him. Just I'll describe him a bit. He's skinny. Idk.. he's so skinny and everytime I saw him I was like... "where on earth is all the fats that he eat?" hahahahaha. Tapi mie ni skinny tapi sado. Takde la sado sangat tapi boleh la sikit je. Wth am I mumbling. Kayy, though hilmi is skinny type tapi dia seorang pemain futsal okay and he's good at it. hahaha Besides that he can play guitar and he has a great slow voice.. (fact: he can't sing high pitch song or else he'll get sore throat) hahahaha. Fact bout him.. Hilmi seorang lambat bersiap macam pompuan. Seriously I dont even know what takes him so long to dress up... he really need to upgrade his speed level. hahahahaha Actually aku taktau nak describe apa lagi about him.

I've knew her since sem 1. She's one of the talkative girl among my classmate but I've not talk a lot with her during semester 1... I've no idea why. Maybe we have no idea what to talk about as back then we were not these close. As I get to know her more, she's a girl with a cute face and crazy attitude. Though her attitude seems crazy but its just so cute. kah. I didn't expect we actually can easily get along because my first thought was she's "control ayu" type and that is so me plus vice versa. Qie ni selalu perasan comel tapi memang dia comel pun. (trust me as she read this she'll freak out like "amagatzzzzzz"). I really have no idea what else bcs weolss baru-baru je rapat. Tapi I'm quite of dah paham sikit perangai gila-gila qie ni. Dia ni paling suka  mengada gegediks gegegirls tapi comel. hahahaha She seems shy but actually incrediblely awesome and only us knew that. hahaha Not much to say bout you baby bcs u're just cute. amagatzz. hahahaha

Left : Iqmal Akid Biela
Akid & Iqmal
Akid. Annoyingly funny crazyyy crapp. Among all of us, he's the most crazy. If you're crazy then he's crazier or craziest. Tbh, when you are with him, his ridiculousness can change your current moods like wtf. Being friend with him makes you feel like bertuah aku dapat kawan happy go lucky macam ni but sometimes or I can say most of the time kau maybe akan cakap makkk aii malu gila aku ada kawan perangai tak senonoh macam dia ni. Hahahaha I knew him awal semester 2 ni. He's azim schoolmate classmate and besfriend. I've too much harsh words to describe him. So I just sum it up.. he's totally insane dude. Everything he did and say was so unpredictable and it just gonna freaks you out but he doesn't even care neither about it or about you. Anyone yg tak kenal akid lagi may say he's a total rude. Bcs he's not serious at all and he might make fun of you all the time. Dok ngan akid kau kena sabar banyak sikit. Dia boleh je buat kau menyirap in 1 minutes. hahahaha. Iqmal is akid friend. Though he is akid friend but he is not segila akid. He's just ordinary good looking guy with a dimple or pair of dimples (sorry i'm not sure) heee. He's annoying. but he's kind. Yet.. he's still annoying. Org yg tak kenal dia may say i'm the bad girl sbb aku kata dia annoying.. but i bet he knew that he's annoying. hahahaha Tapi hes not that annoying badass. Dia ni still baikk lagii. Annoying dia aku still boleh terima and I just don't really mind. Whatever. He's a good cook. Culinary professions really suits him well. I can tell that he can cook much better than me. 

Nuar & Syaf
Syaf ni org sarawak yg first aku kenal sbb dia classmate aku. Not so first but still I take it as first sbb masa MDS aku kenal org mcm tu je and then lupa. So far, syaf je la the only sarawakian yg aku kenal paling lama kat uitmpp. Gladly bangsa kitorang sama which is Melanau. So we speak the language where only both of us understand and org lain just mampu looked at us like we are aliens from the earth. It's just really funny when aku and syaf tengah borak and then org lain just "weii aku tak paham depa ni cakap apa." lol. Syaf ni kecik, comel, sopan pulak tu. hahaha Compare to all of us, I think she's the one that paling kurang bercakap. Amagatz. Syaf ni baik sumpah tak berkira lansung. Hang out with her and she'll bought you some foods. Thats awesome for food lovers. hahaha Besides that, dia ni a freakin cat lover. Dia suka gila babs kat kucing. Hamaigadd... jumpa kucing kat mana-mana je dia nak stop jap tengok kucing tu and she called each cat that she met mimi.. i repeat, Mimi for EACH CAT. You just can't stop her love for cats. hahaha

Aku baru kenal dia the day we went to the trip. Basically all I knew is he's Lotfi friends, coursemate and classmate. I may not can describe a lot bout him but he seems okay. Mula-mula bajet je cam pemalu tau lepastu pergh masuk air gila. hahaha. Dia cepat je get along ngan kitorang.. tak awkward punnn.. (probably because we are crazy). hahahaha Eventhough baru je kenal nuar tapi since that trip kitorang semua rapat mcm dah kenal lama. hewhewww. Fact, he's short. (admit it nuar) hehehe. Another thing is, I'd punched him even aku baru kenal dia. That was an accident. He should be glad sebab baru kenal aku bcs kalau dia dah kenal aku lama he probably will get more punch from me. hahahaha maaf takleh describe banyak pasal hg. :)

From left front - Akid & Khal, behind - Nawal & Deyra
Khal, Deyra & Nawal
Diorang ni quite related. Actually aku kenal Nawal je. Bcs she's my classmate too. Mcm mana boleh terkenal sekali khal and deyra? Entahlaa aku lupa. Kalau x silap aku kenal depa ni sbb diorang roomate nawal. Describe Nawal? This braces girl are so insecure bout herself. She said other girls looks good with braces and wearing bawal meanwhile she thinks its vice versa of herself. Somebody should tell her stop being so damn insecure.. aku rase Nawal comel je pakai braces. Masa sem 1 dulu Nawal ni pemalu gile... tak banyak cakap. I thought she's really pendiam until we entered sem 2.. Everything changed. Nawal sem 1 bukanlah yg sekarang. Hahahaha she's actually quite talkative, crayzay, suka merapu and kelakar. Kalau dulu Azim dok buli je si Nawal ni and nawal diam je..  Skrg ni tak dah. Dia dah pandai nak back up diri... Dia kenakan azim balik. Nawal dah besar. Hahahahaha. Hah amek. Tu baru sikit aku describe. Next Deyra and Khal. Taktau nk describe banyak pasal diorang sbb aku baru kenal diorang sem ni.. Tbh, masa first aku jumpa khal and deyra ni I thought they're that sombong type. *I bet that both of you get that thought a lott.. Maaf awakss. Teheehehe but actually not at all. Awal2 tak rapat lagi. Just kenal diorang as "roommate Nawal", lol. Diorang sokayy je. Easy to get along. Masuk air gila rancak. For sure is both of them are so gorgeous, feminine and so on. Senang cite, both of them are so typical normal girls compared to messy me. Ngehh. Deyra is a massive fan of EXO's. Prove? If you followed her twitter, she'll definitely spam your timeline with exos thingy. Another thing is, tell her you hate exos very much. she will burst and back up her exos more than a lawyer in the court. Hahahahahah Then Khal. Not much to say. She have a perfect ideal body type that every girls want... But she refused. Dia nak lagi kurus. Amagatz. Hahaha She's the only girl that I know tak makan benda2 yg ada cheese and milk. Yeah ppl gonna be like "whattt ruginya tak makan cheese." But I think she's untung wehh. Bcs cheese banyak fatsss.. Atleast khal dah out of the cheese fats. Kahh untung. Tak mcm aku yg obsess segala cheese and chocolate. Well I think that is quite a sum up of them.


Front - Fit aka Fitriani
Irma & Fit
Irma is my classmate. Dia ni manusia paling gila hindustan. Kau tanya je cerita hindustan apa.. dia mesti tau. Kau tanya je lagu hindustan tu nama apa dia mesti tau. hahahaa. Irma ni paling bangga mengaku orang Aloq Setaq and dia cakap utara pun pure kedah pekat tudia baqhang. hah tah pape aku merapu. Dok ngan irma she definitely akan mention nama boyfriend dia.. tak pun pasal mekdi. And kalau dia membebel tetiba ade la something goes wrong tu. She's so easy to predict. hahahaa Another thing, selain Qie.. ni lagi sorang suka perasan comel. Paling tak menahan, dia akan paksa kau kata dia comel. gila kan. Hahahaa Lagi satu dia ni cakap kuat gila hamaigadd. Volume suara dia paling low tu maybe half suara normal people jerit. hehehe Next is Fit. Fit ni kawan Irma. Nama panjang fitriani nama pendek fit. Aku baru kenal dia the day kitorang pegi Escape tu je. So, die la org paling kejap aku kenal and boleh terus jadi member. Ececeh. Aku takleh describe banyak sangat pasal fit sebab die paling kejap aku kenal. First thought aku ingat dia ni cam susah nak masuk dengan org yg baru kenal..hahaha but actually tak pun. She's quite fun with. Dalam group whatsapp die la paling rancak karaoke.. hahaha. Tbh, I like her voices!

From right : Chad Ajim Lotfi Nuar
My another classmate, named chad. Normal people is a food hunter meanwhile chad is probably a food freak? I'm not so sure if that suitable for him. Not much to say bout chad.. most of it is about his relationship with foods. Chad dan makanan ibarat pasangan kekasih yg "you jump i jump".. hahahaha. One important fact that you have to know about chad.. he got a motto which says "makanan aku, makanan aku and makanan korang pun makanan aku" hahahaha ridiculous. Never try to stole or mintak makanan chad because he will never give it to you. Kalau kau makan tak habis and feel free nak bagi kat dia. Kalau kau amek makanan dia even sikit, dia akan buat muka. And that face kau rasa mcm nak sepak je sebab menyampah. hahahahaha That is an important fact about chad and his food. Selain pasal important fact tu, Chad ni baik. suka tolong orang, suka tidur, suka makan. Ahahaha He know this better.

Azim. Knew him because he's my classmate. Masa awal sem 1, kenal as classmate je. Tak rapat & tak lepak sekali pun because he seems didn't talk a lot at first. Moreover I used to dislike him (not just him but I dislike every dudes in the class.. I'M SO MEAN OHMYGOD) I thought he's "kerek" type and I just "oh this dude eww!". Jahat gila kan aku..hahaha. Mula-mula je nampak kerek and tak banyak cakap, lepas sebulan dua mcm tu.. bila dia dah start nak rapat ngan bebudak kelas. Hehh! He nag "a lot" in class. But that time aku still tak berapa nak cakap sgt bcs I'm awkward to everyone for the first time and I was judging everyone. kahkahkah! Entah bila kitorang semua mula rapat aku tak ingat... he's a good friend but quite crazy and quite perasan. Another thing about him is... he's known as Si Lalang... because dia ni tak pernah ada pendirian tetap. hahahaha When it comes about EPL, kau tanya dia minat team apa.. he'll definitely say either Man United, Chelsea or Liverpool.. depends on which one is winning. Asshole isnt him? hahahaha Besides lalang on football team, dia pun lalang gak bila pasal pompuan. Ask him about the girl she like? It will never be the same girl for each week or each month. hahahahah But that doesn't mean he's the playboy type of guy. He's kind of loyal but for a short time (maybe idk bout this) hahaha. Whatever it is, he's actually kind and a good guy tapi dah kena hasut setan sikit2 kan.. jadilah ajim yang annoying pemalas gila dan sebagainya. hahaha. He is  really really really annoying. So far, Azim is the only one yang paling suka cari pasal dengan aku, he's so damn annoying and bcs of that, he's the one that always kena penumbuk aku. Sometimes, his annoying attitude makes you feel like you wanna kill him immediately. He definitely should be grateful because he's still alive until today. ahahaha. Fact about him, he is pelat S ! kah. Selain tu, his laziness has no cure and that makes you have to help him a lot when he got some problems that have to be settled last minute. I guess Lotfi had a lottttttt experience in helping him out. Though he's annoying silly lazy crazy guy, he is still one our good friend just a bit useless. hahahahhahaha (he might kill me once he read this but i'm just being honest) I'm so sorry dude but you know i'm your one of the kind friend. teheee ;)

Lastly, Lotfi because he's the one who requested me to this thingy. hews. Lotfi? Emm.. I knew him masa semester 1, boleh ter-kenal him bcs dia roomate Ajim. Before kenal and jumpa Lot ni, I've heard Ajim & Fik slalu cite pasal dia kena charlie but that time I haven't seen him yet. Until this one fine day, we met masa Malam Ambang Merdeka. Masa tu I was just like "oh ni ke Lotfi yg kena charlie tu?" and memang terbukti dia yg kena charlie tu when I saw few scars on his hands. I bet charlie do loves him.. hahaha. That's the beginning mcm mana aku boleh kenal dia and we just start lepak sekali and jadi rapat until now. Describe Lotfi.. He's a friend that aku rasa dia rare. I don't care if other people think he's "biasa" but in my opinion... he's one of the kind. I silently judge people and tbh, Lot ni nampak je mcm bad boy but actually he's really kind. Gurau kasar mencarut bagai tu biasa la. Paling rare dia je kawan aku yg boleh nampak those ghost thingy. There's one time aku rasa dia ni creepy but then fine it's just nothing. He's very sensitive with the word bangla. Kalau kau sebut je word bangla depan dia he'll go nuts! hahahaha.  The most important is he's not selfish. Dia lebih pentingkan kawan rather than himself. He's a real friend. If everyone ada kawan yg pentingkan diri sendiri, I've a friend that gonna help me when I'm in need. He is a friend who always there for us. I repeat,.. ALWAYS. It's like, when no one is around to accompany me or anyone to go for lunch or dinner or go anywhere, he will always be there. He's like anywhere and possibly be there for us. How sad he's leaving and not here with us anymore. I believe that once he read this he'll be like "jgn buat aku macam penting sangat dalam hidup korang weh" but thats it. You are! So do us in your life aite? We gonna miss him a lottt... really lot. Aku ada banyak lagi benda nak cakap about him but it's just that I can't describe everything on this. Another thing is, lotfi ni gila karok. He's extremely crazy and obsessed about karaokeing. Dia boleh frust sebab kalau kau pegi karok and tak ajak dia sekali. Frust dia lagi teruk dari orang yg putus cinta... hahaha. Well that's a short details about him.

Let me sum up everything like how we met and that gonna make you confusedddddddddd. Me, ajim, fik, qie, irma, syaf, nawal and chad meet as classmates. Then Me, Biela and Balqis are roomates. Ajim and lotfi used to be roomates before. Khal, Deyra and Nawal are roomates either. Biela and Hilmi are classmates. Akid and Iqmal are classmates either. Irma and Fit are friends. Kitorang kenal lotfi sbb dia roomate azim before.. and they kenal balqis and biela because diorang roomate aku. Meanwhile kitorang kenal khal and deyra sebab diorang budak culinary jugak tapi group lain and they're nawal's roomates. Then, kitorang boleh kenal hilmi sebab dia kawan biela and to make it even more confused Fik pun kenal hilmi sebab fik's brother is hilmi's sister fiance.. so they're related. Kitorang kenal akid pulak sebab dia kawan azim masa sekolah and kenal pulak iqmal sebab dia classmate akid kat U. Then kenal pulak dengan nuar bcs he's lotfi classmate. And lastly kenal Fit sbb dia kawan irma. Are you confused? Just stop it. Hopefully you guys like it and I love you! meow :3

p/s: sorry that i've to sum up the pictures bcs i'm lazy and it's hard to get everyone single's picture. :)

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